land market / Maximizing the Value of Rural Lands: Our Approach at Minola Tierras Argentinas
Maximizing the Value of Rural Lands: Our Approach at Minola Tierras Argentinas

At Minola Tierras Argentinas, we don't just market lands; we transform the way we understand and value them. We recognize that each piece of land is unique, with its distinct characteristics and particulars that influence its production potential and real value.
Identifying Unique Environments
Rather than considering each piece of land as a uniform entity, the Minola Tierras Argentinas team applies an "agriculture and livestock by environments" approach. What does this mean? It means we acknowledge the variability in the land and apply advanced tools and technology to detail its characteristics. Through the analysis of multiple factors like topography, soil quality, and water availability, we segment a piece of land into areas with similar agroecological attributes.
Defining Management Units
Once we've identified these homogeneous areas, we label them as "management units." Each management unit possesses its unique characteristics that affect crop or livestock performance. Recognizing these differences enables us to develop specific management approaches for each unit, thereby optimizing production.
Technology and Analysis Tools
At Minola, we don't rely solely on experience. We employ advanced tools such as spatial data analysis and agronomic models to precisely understand the environments and management units. This empowers us to make well-informed decisions about land management and valuation.
Creating Real Value
Our ultimate goal is to assign a precise value to rural land. By gaining a better understanding of each parcel and its unique characteristics, we can determine its actual market value. This benefits both sellers and buyers, ensuring equitable and accurate transactions.
The Future of Land Marketing
Agriculture and livestock by environments isn't merely a production trend; it represents the future of marketing rural lands. At Minola, we stand at the forefront of this market revolution, utilizing advanced technology and knowledge to deliver exceptional service.
Contact Minola Tierras Argentinas
If you wish to discover the real value of your land or are seeking land that aligns with your projects, get in touch with us. At Minola Tierras Argentinas, we're here to help you make informed decisions regarding rural real estate transactions.
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How the Value of Rural Land in Argentina Has Evolved
Juan Minola
Trends in the Soybean Core Area, Southeast Buenos Aires, and Western Buenos Aires Investing in rural land has been one of the most sought-after options for investors and property owners in Argentina over the last two decades. But what are the trends that have emerged in recent years regarding the value of rural properties in the productive regions of the soybean core area, southeast Buenos Aires, and western Buenos Aires? At MINOLA ARGENTINE LANDS, we want to provide you with a detailed insight into how the value of properties in these areas has evolved in recent years, as we have been monitoring the price variations of properties in the productive regions, including the soybean core area, southeast Buenos Aires, and western Buenos Aires, from 1995 to 2022. The observed trends show that from 1995 to 1999, the value of rural lands experienced a significant increase. However, from 1999 to 2002, the lowest values in history were reached. Starting in 2002, the value of the lands began to rise, reaching its peak in 2012, and then gradually declining until 2022. While these are the general trends, it's important to note that the variation in land values depends on a range of factors, such as agricultural production, food demand, infrastructure investment, financing availability, among others. For example, in the soybean core area, land values are heavily influenced by agricultural production, closely tied to commodity prices. In summary, the value of rural properties in Argentina has evolved dynamically in recent decades, depending on a variety of factors including agricultural production, food demand, infrastructure investment, and more. Therefore, it's essential to stay informed about trends in the rural land market to make informed decisions. Several factors can influence the variation in land prices. Supply and demand, land productivity and quality, infrastructure and service availability, as well as government policies and regulations, are among them. Several factors can influence the variation in land prices. As a rural real estate agency, MINOLA ARGENTINE LANDS is well-positioned to provide an accurate and up-to-date assessment of property prices in these productive areas. This is essential for both those looking to buy and those looking to sell. If you are interested in learning more about the value of your property or if you are searching for a property in these areas, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we can assist you in making an informed and successful decision.

How to Analyze a Rural Property for Purchase: Key Factors to Consider
Ing. Agr. Francisco Guerrero Mackinlay y MPJuan Minola
The decision to purchase a rural property is a significant investment that requires thorough analysis. Here, we present a guide to the main factors to consider before making that crucial decision: 1. Determine the Budget: Before starting the search, it is essential to establish a clear and realistic budget. This will help focus the search on properties that fit within your financial means. 2. Identify the Production Model: Define the type of productive activity you wish to develop on the property. Do you prefer an agricultural, livestock, breeding, grazing, or mixed approach? This decision will influence the selection of the right property. 3. Choose the Productive Area: Consider the location of the property and the characteristics of the area where it is located. You can search near your current location, in areas with attractive price opportunities, or in specific regions known for their productivity. Location can also influence access to services and infrastructure. Consult with a Specialized Real Estate Operator: Once you have defined your search criteria, it is advisable to consult with a specialized real estate operator in rural properties, such as Minola Tierras Argentinas. These professionals will guide you through the process and provide you with property offers that meet your needs and preferences. Importance of the Technical Report: When evaluating a property, it is crucial to review a detailed technical report. In the case of Minola Tierras Argentinas, this report provides accurate data on the property, including access, productive environments, state of land improvements, and more. Field Evaluation: Once on the property, pay special attention to the following aspects: Field Access: Evaluate the location and accessibility of the property, as this can influence its value and the ease of carrying out activities. Soil and Productive Environments: Conduct an on-site evaluation to verify the information provided in the technical report. Consult with an agronomist and review the environmental map to understand soil quality and potential erosion issues. Land Improvements: Examine the state of improvements, such as fences, mills, sheds, and houses. Ensure they are in good condition and do not require significant additional investments. Conclusion: When analyzing a rural property for purchase, it is crucial to consider financial, productive, and geographical aspects. With the right guidance and detailed information provided by a specialized real estate operator like Minola Tierras Argentinas, you can make an informed and secure decision. Explore the potential of rural properties and find the perfect property for your investment!
Experts in rural real estate businesses with more than 45 years of experience in the market.
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