properties / Mixed Field. San Luis

Mixed Field. San Luis

San Luis

This mixed field, located alongside a main road, offers an exceptional opportunity. It features a main house and work-related improvements to facilitate daily operations. It comprises 30% agricultural rolling hills with a high-water table, perfect for high-quality crop cultivation, 20% mid-slope suitable for pastures, 30% natural grassland, and 20% native forest. It provides a diverse environment rich in natural resources. The attached brochure outlines the unique combination of agricultural and livestock potential that this field offers.

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Property Type

IMPROVEMENTS Main house with a caretaker's house. Worker's housing. Sheds. Services: Landline phone, internet, high-voltage electricity, all on asphalt. The field is divided into 26 paddocks and has 15 mills with their corresponding tanks and drinking troughs. Freshwater suitable for human consumption. Possibility of irrigation. Feedlot facilities. 2 cattle chutes.

En cuanto a la aptitud de las 7700 ha., 2544 ha son agrícolas con muy buen drenaje y con napa cercana, ideal para implantar girasol, maíz, sorgo y alfalfas. Posibilidad de potenciar y estabilizar rendimientos con riego por pivot. Las restantes 5044 ha ganaderas, en gran porcentaje apto para siembra de pasturas y un 20% de monte alto de caldenes, y Chañares con pastizales de gramíneas.

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